Ep 216 (video): YouTube Power Search Tips

  • March 25, 2014

How can you find the best videos on YouTube? In this video episode of The Psych Files you are going to learn some crazy power tips that will alert you whenever whenever a video from a credible source gets added to a YouTube playlist. You will be the first to know. And you can find […]

Working Remotely – Advantages and Disadvantages

  Working from home sounds great – but be aware of the downside. In this episode of The Psych Files I talk about what factors influence your job satisfaction and motivation when you work from home. I also discuss the interesting concept of “emotional labor” – what is it like when you know your boss […]

Ep 215: What Was Life Like in an Asylum?

  • February 19, 2014

Ever wondered what it was like to be a patient in an “insane asylum”? “Asylums” changed names over the years (including “State Hospital” and “Psychiatric Center”) and so did the treatment of the mentally ill. Hear from Dr. Jennifer Bazar how we went from chaining people up to hydrotherapy to sexual surgery and finally to […]

Ep 214: Your Adolescence is Giving Me A Mid-Life Crisis!

  • February 2, 2014

We all know that adolescence is a time of change and often a tough time for the teen. But what about the parent? Today’s parents are often older than years ago, and today’s parents are sometimes going through their own self-examination, their own doubts, their own exploration. What happens when you bring those two together? […]

Ep 212: The Psychology of The Matrix Movie

  • January 10, 2014

  What are the psychological themes in the movie The Matrix? In this episode I talk about connections between The Matrix and Jung‘s idea of the Collective Unconscious, Joseph Campbell‘s notion of the Hero’s Journey and some recent research that explains why you experience déjà vu. Also, can you change your whole world by thinking […]

Ep 211: Is a Little Deception Okay? Paid Crowds and Native Advertising

  • December 16, 2013

We face more moral “dilemmas” in everyday life than maybe we don’t realize. How do we resolve them? In this episode I discuss two interesting moral dilemmas: a) should you employ for-hire crowds of actors to attend your event in order to make it look like you’re more popular than you really are? and b) […]

Ep 210: How to Memorize Kohlberg’s Stages of Moral Development

  • November 20, 2013

Need to memorize Kohlberg’s moral development stages really quickly? You’re in for a treat. In this episode, we’ll explore a swift and effective method to help you master these stages. No need to worry – we won’t drown you in details. Instead, we’ve got clever techniques and memorable associations that will make these stages stick […]

Ep 208: The Elaboration Likelihood Model in Less Than 2 Minutes

  • November 7, 2013

The elaboration likelihood model developed by Petty and Cacciopo is a complicated name for a not too complicated idea about how people can be persuaded. In this under 2 minute video I explain the key idea. Get All of My Mnemonics and Get Better Grades with my Psych Mnemonics App!   [image src=”6524″ alt=”Psychology Mnemonics […]