Emotion Ep 339: What Makes a Song Appealing? Music researchers analyzed over 700 top Billboard songs (which included examining over 80,000 chords) and they determined that the “Ob-La-Di-Ob-La-Da”... BY woodrow December 6, 2019 2 Comments
Development Emotion Motivation Personality Social Psychology Ep 303: Significance Quest Theory: How Do We De-Radicalize People? We know a lot about why individuals join extremist groups, what can we do about it? How do we... BY Michael April 19, 2018 0 Comment
Development Emotion Therapy Ep 293: Emotional Intelligence – How Is It Taught? One of the hardest challenges as we grow up is to know how we feel and to understand how... BY Michael October 4, 2017 0 Comment
Emotion Gender/Sexuality Ep 292: Yes, Computers Can Guess Your Sexual Orientation On this episode I talk about a several psych topics, including what computer programs look at when they try to... BY Michael September 20, 2017 3 Comments
Cognition, Intelligence and Language Emotion I/O Psychology Ep 272: How To Create a Human-Like Voice Have you used Siri, Hey Google, or Alexa? These voice-enabled digital assistants are pretty cool and getting smarter, but... BY Michael January 6, 2017 0 Comment
Cognition, Intelligence and Language Emotion Social Psychology Ep: 266: Why Do You REALLY Support That Candidate? The... Why do you vote the way you do? Have you read through all the various candidates position statements, or do... BY Michael October 16, 2016 0 Comment
Cognition, Intelligence and Language Emotion Social Psychology Ep 260: Kids Can’t Put Their Phones Down – How... Cell phones: they’re here and they’re not going away. So now it’s time to “stop worrying and learn to love... BY Michael June 22, 2016 3 Comments
Emotion Therapy Ep 251: How NOT to Get the Holiday Blues At the end of the year there are so many cues around us that tell us that we should be... BY Michael December 15, 2015 0 Comment
Disorders Emotion Social Psychology Ep 237: What is Misophonia? More on La Cage, Empathy,... Does the sound of other people’s mouth noises really drive you crazy? Honestly, it does to me. Things like lip... BY Michael March 19, 2015 4 Comments
Biopsychology Cognition, Intelligence and Language Emotion Ep 235: Want to Swap Bodies? What if you could swap bodies with someone else? What would it be like to be someone of the... BY Michael January 28, 2015 7 Comments