iron Gender/Sexuality

The Chore of Getting Men to Do Housework

Gender Roles and Housework The Stereotype in Comedy The perception of gender roles in household chores has been long-established. Television shows, like a particular skit from Saturday Night Live, often humorously underline how certain tasks are “feminine” or “masculine”. But why is there resistance towards tasks deemed unmanly? In this episode, we delve deeper into […]

Kenneth Carter's book on Sensation Seeking: Buzz Personality

Ep 340 What’s a High Sensation Seeker?

  • December 11, 2019

Do you like to bungee jump? Perhaps you’re into parachuting or wing suit flying? If so, you’re probably a “high sensation seeker” In this fascinating interview with Dr. Kenneth Carter, author of the new book “Buzz!”, we talk about what kind of personality a sensation seeker has and what it’s like to be in a […]

What Makes a Song Appealing? Emotion

Ep 339: What Makes a Song Appealing?

  • December 6, 2019

Music researchers analyzed over 700 top Billboard songs (which included examining over 80,000 chords) and they determined that the “Ob-La-Di-Ob-La-Da” is the most appealing song ever written. How in the world, you might ask, did they choose that (some would say annoying) song?! Let’s find out how two key ingredients – surprise and uncertainty – […]

Bible Code and the Look Elsewhere Effect Cognition, Intelligence and Language Critical Thinking Social Psychology

Ep 333: Bible Codes, Anti-Vaccination Beliefs and the Look Elsewhere Effect

  • September 19, 2019

  In this episode I talk about whether there really is a bible code, anti-vaccination beliefs and whether jellybeans cause acne. It’s all part of how we humans love to find patterns in the world and the amount of wiggle room we’re willing to give ourselves to find them. Too often we make the Look […]

Disorders History of Psychology

Ep 332: How the Brain Lost Its Mind

  • September 3, 2019

Most of us have heard of Anton Mesmer and Jean Charcot. They were some of the first to dabble in the “mind cure” using hypnosis and the power of suggestion. But what role did syphilis play in the development of psychology? You’d be surprised. Join me and authors Dr. Allan Ropper and Brian David Burrell […]