Ep 232: Psychologists Involved in Torture: What To Do About It?

  • December 10, 2014

You may have heard from the US Senate report on terrorism and the “enhanced interrogations” that a small group of psychologists were involved in the interrogations of detainees from the 9/11 incident. How could psychologists, who have a long tradition of concern and adherence to ethical standards in the treatment of others, become involved in […]

Ep: 231: Multiple Personalities and Tips on Getting People to Help

  • December 4, 2014

Is there such a thing as a person having multiple personalities? What about Sybil and “All About Eve” – did they really have multiple personalities? The idea makes for great headlines and fascinating talk shows, but what’s the real story? I talk about that in this episode of The Psych Files along with giving tips […]

Ep 230: Questionable Research – With A Famous Psychologist Involved

  • November 20, 2014

Questionable Research – Exploring Psychological Frontiers Psychology strives to uncover the human mind’s mysteries, with theories ranging from established to controversial. Exploring Questionable Research sheds light on this spectrum. The Power of the Mind One fascinating idea suggests that by “turning back the clock”, we can overcome illness. This method immerses patients in a past […]

Ep 229: What Makes a Song Popular? How We Detect Melody

  • October 28, 2014

Why are some songs popular? Guess what – psychologists actually know a lot of the answers. In this episode we’ll listen to excerpts from Leonard Cohen’s song Hallelujah, as well as Noisestorm’s Ignite, Adele’s Someone Like You, the Enterprise Theme from Star Trek, and even two pieces of music from the motion picture Koyaanisqatsi. We’ll […]

Ep 228 (video): Did B.F. Skinner Raise His Children in a Skinner Box?

  • October 22, 2014

You may have heard this rumor about B.F. Skinner raising his children in one of his (presumably oversized) “Skinner boxes”. Is there any truth to this? Related rumors: that Skinner’s daughter became mentally ill as a result of being raised in this box and that she sued her father when she became an adult. We […]

Ep 227: I Remember How I Felt (Or Do You)?

  • October 6, 2014

Do “Most men lead lives of quiet desperation” or are we actually pretty happy most of the time? As it turns out humans are far more resilient than you think. Ever heard of the term “affective forecasting“? It’s something we do every day and very often we make mistakes doing it. In this episode you’ll […]

Ep 226 (video): The Psychology of Dance Part 2 – Importance of Marking

  • September 27, 2014

  Most performers “mark” when they’re tired during rehearsals. Are they “not giving it their all” or are they getting quite a benefit from doing this? You’d be surprised at how beneficial marking can be. I talked about the psychology of dance in a previous episode but in this one I review the research on […]

Dementia: When “Living in the Moment” is Not A Good Thing

  • September 15, 2014

Tomorrow my mother turns 94 and her physical health is amazing. I have spoken about my mother and her husband Roy (who turns 99 next Spring) on this podcast several times including this episode where I interview him since he is in the final stage of Erikson’s Eight Stages of PsychoSocial Development. Like many people […]