Biopsychology Cognition, Intelligence and Language Emotion Ep 235: Want to Swap Bodies? What if you could swap bodies with someone else? What would it be like to be someone of the... BY Michael January 28, 2015 7 Comments
Disorders Gender/Sexuality Ep 234: Transvestism – Is It Normal? What Is Normal... A small number of men cross dress and many movies and broadway shows feature cross dressers (often referred to as... BY Michael January 8, 2015 8 Comments
Ethics Ep 232: Psychologists Involved in Torture: What To Do About... You may have heard from the US Senate report on terrorism and the “enhanced interrogations” that a small group of... BY Michael December 10, 2014 0 Comment
Disorders Social Psychology Therapy Ep: 231: Multiple Personalities and Tips on Getting People to... Is there such a thing as a person having multiple personalities? What about Sybil and “All About Eve” – did... BY Michael December 4, 2014 2 Comments
Cognition, Intelligence and Language Ethics Research and Stats Ep 230: Questionable Research – With A Famous Psychologist Involved Questionable Research – Exploring Psychological Frontiers Psychology strives to uncover the human mind’s mysteries, with theories ranging from established to... BY Michael November 20, 2014 0 Comment
Biopsychology Cognition, Intelligence and Language Emotion Ep 229: What Makes a Song Popular? How We Detect... Why are some songs popular? Guess what – psychologists actually know a lot of the answers. In this episode we’ll... BY Michael October 28, 2014 9 Comments
Development Learning/Memory Ep 228 (video): Did B.F. Skinner Raise His Children in... You may have heard this rumor about B.F. Skinner raising his children in one of his (presumably oversized) “Skinner boxes”.... BY Michael October 22, 2014 0 Comment
Cognition, Intelligence and Language Disorders Emotion Research and Stats Ep 227: I Remember How I Felt (Or Do You)? Do “Most men lead lives of quiet desperation” or are we actually pretty happy most of the time? As it... BY Michael October 6, 2014 3 Comments
Cognition, Intelligence and Language Ep 226 (video): The Psychology of Dance Part 2 –... Most performers “mark” when they’re tired during rehearsals. Are they “not giving it their all” or are they getting... BY Michael September 27, 2014 0 Comment
Learning/Memory Ep 225: What’s Best for Memory – Coffee or a... You may have been heard that taking a nap or going to sleep after you learn something helps you to... BY Michael September 16, 2014 0 Comment