Biopsychology Cognition, Intelligence and Language Emotion Ep 229: What Makes a Song Popular? How We Detect... Why are some songs popular? Guess what – psychologists actually know a lot of the answers. In this episode we’ll... BY Michael October 28, 2014 9 Comments
Cognition, Intelligence and Language Disorders Emotion Research and Stats Ep 227: I Remember How I Felt (Or Do You)? Do “Most men lead lives of quiet desperation” or are we actually pretty happy most of the time? As it... BY Michael October 6, 2014 3 Comments
Emotion Ethics Research and Stats Social Psychology Ep 221: The Facebook Study on Your Emotions: Ethical or... You may have heard that Facebook manipulated the content of user’s New Feeds during January of 2012 so that some... BY Michael July 1, 2014 0 Comment
Critical Thinking Emotion Therapy Ep 192: An Example of How Psychoanalysts Really Interpret Dreams What do psychologists really think about your dreams – do they have meaning? In this episode I talk about what... BY Michael March 21, 2013 7 Comments
Emotion Personality Social Psychology Ep 190: Why Do You Get So Absorbed in that... Have you ever become so immersed in a book or movie that you actually felt like the character? Or... BY Michael February 26, 2013 0 Comment
Cognition, Intelligence and Language Emotion Social Psychology Ep 189: The Psych Files Brief #6 – Facebook Untagging,... We have some great articles covered in this episode so I hope you find them thought-provoking and leave your comments... BY Michael February 13, 2013 1 Comment
Emotion Gender/Sexuality Personality Ep: 166: The Secret Life of Pronouns – an Interview... What do you reveal about yourself in the way you use the smallest and seemingly most insignificant words you... BY Michael December 31, 2011 3 Comments
Cognition, Intelligence and Language Emotion Ep 164: What’s So Disgusting About Poop? Just about everyone finds poop disgusting right? So who finds it not so disgusting? Would you believe women in their... BY Michael November 4, 2011 0 Comment
Emotion Ep 162: How to Spend Your Money and Truly Make... In episode 160 I discussed the first 2 ideas on how to spend your money wisely. In this episode I’ll... BY Michael October 11, 2011 3 Comments
Cognition, Intelligence and Language Emotion Ep 160: How to Spend Your Money and Truly Make... Why aren’t rich people happier than those with less money? We think money will bring happiness, but research in the... BY Michael September 18, 2011 2 Comments