Gender/Sexuality Ep 326: Giving Voice To Our Digital Assistants Why do our digital assistants such as Alexa, Google Home, Siri and Cortana have “feminized” voices and what are the... BY Michael June 5, 2019 0 Comments
I/O Psychology Personality Social Psychology Ep 325: Love Your Work? Someone Will Take Advantage of... It’s ingrained in western society that people should find work they really enjoy – work that fulfills a passion. If... BY Michael May 13, 2019 0 Comments
Biopsychology Cognition, Intelligence and Language Learning/Memory Ep 324: Put Your Love Life on Automatic In this episode I cover a few interesting topics. First, have you ever “blanked out” in front of an audience?... BY Michael May 2, 2019 0 Comments
I/O Psychology Uncategorized Ep 323: Computer Programmers: Obsessed With Efficiency Do you have your own little “tricks”? That is, ways of doing things that are faster than how you used... BY Michael April 17, 2019 0 Comments
Social Psychology Ep 322: An Introduction to Cross Cultural Psychology Why is it okay – in some cultures – to jaywalk, while in others you could get arrested for jaywalking?... BY Michael April 4, 2019 0 Comments
Disorders Ep 321: OCD – What is it Really Like? Resources: Would you like to get into the mind of someone who not only has OCD, but who also wrote... BY Michael March 18, 2019 0 Comments
Teaching Tools Therapy Ep 320: Cannabis and Mental Health – Whose Advice Can... Only a little while ago cannabis (marijuana) was approved for medical purposes. Now “recreational use” of the plant is legal... BY Michael March 5, 2019 2 Comments
Therapy Ep 319: Forensic Psychology – An Interview with Dr. Susan... It seems like there’s no end to TV shows about criminals who have various psychiatric disorders. It’s understandable that we... BY Michael January 31, 2019 1 Comment
Cognition, Intelligence and Language Teaching Tools Ep 318: What is Academic Shame? Recently we’ve learned that many students learn best not when things are well explained to them, but rather when they’re... BY Michael January 15, 2019 0 Comments
Biopsychology Cognition, Intelligence and Language Learning/Memory Social Psychology Ep 317: It’s So Fluffy! Have you ever seen something so cute you just want to squeeze it to death? Or a child so cute... BY Michael December 12, 2018 0 Comments