Do you need to memorize Piaget’s stages for a test? You’ve found what you’re looking for. I’ll use some familiar mnemonics (“1 is a bun”, etc.) and some wacky images to get those stages – and what happens during them – into your mind. You’ll be able to remember when object permanence occurs, when children are capable of assimilation and accommodation, abstract and logical thinking, conservation of energy – it’s all here. Take the time to watch this video, learn about mnemonics and memorize Piaget’s stages of cognitive development once and for all!
[image src=”6524″ alt=”Psychology Mnemonics Apps” href=”” title=”” info_content=”” lightbox_caption=”” id=”” class=”” style=””][image link=”true” target=”blank” src=”6463″ alt=”Psych Mnemonics app for iOS” href=”” title=”The PsycExplorer app for iOS” info_content=”” lightbox_caption=”” id=”” class=”” style=””]
Click to download a PDF of my memory strategies for Piaget’s stages of development.
April 26, 2013Thank you for taking the time to write this post. I’m humbled that the mnemonics and other study tips were so helpful to you on your exams. Wow. You made my day!
April 26, 2013Please don’t worry about the mean people who tell you to just get to the point. I think this video is great and I found it very helpful in learning Piaget’s stages. You do great work. If people are looking for a shorter video, then they might be best off to look elsewhere. That doesn’t make your video bad, or too long — it just means it wasn’t what they were looking for and they decided to criticize you for that.
Brandon Heimberg, PsyD
April 26, 2013I wanted to say thank you. I commented almost a decade ago about how this has remained helpful. I am now a licensed clinical psychologist, and must say your materials were fundamental to supplement and enhance many aspects of my training, and especially in preparation for the licensing exam.
Thanks a ton ~
Dr. Heimberg
April 26, 2013Images from my mnemonics videos can be purchased very inexpensively from Gumroad:
Jacqueline Denise Owens
April 26, 2013Do you have pictures on-line of your Psych Mnemonics on a pdf on your website??? I am studying for the LPC test.
April 26, 2013Your awesome sense of humor got that sticking right into the toasty brain! Thank you so much.
April 26, 2013absolutely brilliant!
April 26, 2013Michael, I like the original video better than the one on the app I purchased. I still need the PDF to help me remember and I can’t find it anywhere. How do I get a copy of the 4 images. (2 ants on a motorcycle with buns for wheels; preacher with funny shoes, rabbit in the hat, smokey the bear and the ass all with shoes; concrete tree with logs, and commode; and the 4 men with great abs. Please send me a copy or post these photos online so I can make flash cards.
Also See Piaget Creep Forward (from Amanda, above) is something I can remember. It would be great to have a photo of that as well. I can’t draw or I’d attempt that.
April 26, 2013Thanks for this video and thank for taking your time and explaining it in full with each and every step. Really helped me follow and I have no exposure to Mnemonics before so this showed me the process. Helped me understand Piagets stages that I have spent loads of time on before and struggled to remember.
April 26, 2013I use See Piaget Creep Forward!
April 26, 2013You’re right. In fact, last year when I was creating the Psych Mnemonics app I looked at this video again and thought the exact same thing: it’s too long. I guess when I recorded it quite a few years ago I was thinking that I wanted to carefully show the steps in this mnemonic technique to encourage students to use it to memorize other areas of psychology. But if you’re looking for a quick way to memorize Piaget’s stages, this isn’t it. The video does receive many positive comments as well, so I do hope that while it’s not short, the mnemonics at least stay with people for a long time. But, good point. In the Psych Mnemonics mobile app I created a new and much shorter version of the video.
Tiffany Mok
April 26, 2013Ok….I’m sorry but it’s my turn to give you some advice now and I’m apologizing in advice.
Your videos are useful but you seriously really need to get to the point. 22 minutes for 4 stages?!? The is the same exact video with the same mnemonics on YouTube and finishes is 5minutes. You’re making a lot of useless comments, trying to be funny?! You’re repeating yourself. Not only that but you’re making statements that are common sense to us. People who are watching this are obviously students who are already knowledgeable of 95% of the stuff you’re talking about because they’re already in the field. Hence….they’re here for mnemonics because of a test?? Not to hear you review what is a
preoperational stage. We know what that is already. Stop telling us that “two is a shoe.” And there’s also no need to go back and review “one is door, two is a door,….” and nor do you need to read out the questions. We see it.
April 26, 2013Thank you so much. That’s great to hear that these mnemonics are useful from Intro Psych students to grads. Thanks for taking the time to leave your comment.
Brandon Heimberg
April 26, 2013Thank you for all you do for this. I am a long time listener and now a doctoral student in Clinical Psychology. I still use this website to refresh my memory.
Thank you!
April 26, 2013This is awesome!!! I know it will help me remember this!
April 26, 2013I removed the PDF and improved the images. I also put all of mnemonics resources in one very inexpensive mobile app (it helps support the podcast!:
Here it is on iOS:
And here on Android:
April 26, 2013Thanks so much for the videos! I’m studying for my clinical social work license and trying to remember all the things I forgot from school. I am unable to download the PDF file. There is a little document icon next to the episode number but it is not clickable. I haven’t been able to download files from any of the other pages. Am I missing something? If I download the app, will I be able to print the images?
April 26, 2013Absolutely fantastic!
April 26, 2013learned a lot!
April 26, 2013This has been so helpful, do you have other videos about Erickson and other Psychology basic memory, etc, THANK YOU GREAT VIDEOS, well done!
Caleb Presto
April 26, 2013Always useful! Thank you!