Ep 226 (video): The Psychology of Dance Part 2 – Importance of Marking

  • September 27, 2014

  Most performers “mark” when they’re tired during rehearsals. Are they “not giving it their all” or are they getting quite a benefit from doing this? You’d be surprised at how beneficial marking can be. I talked about the psychology of dance in a previous episode but in this one I review the research on […]

Dementia: When “Living in the Moment” is Not A Good Thing

  • September 15, 2014

Tomorrow my mother turns 94 and her physical health is amazing. I have spoken about my mother and her husband Roy (who turns 99 next Spring) on this podcast several times including this episode where I interview him since he is in the final stage of Erikson’s Eight Stages of PsychoSocial Development. Like many people […]

220: More Evidence That Animals Think and Feel

In episode 217 I asked you to be frank with yourself: Does your animal really think? It’s easy to believe they do, but if you’re going to study this issue scientifically you have to eliminate our human tendency to anthropomorphize – to want to believe that animal actions are motivated by internal states. Articles Mentioned […]

Ep 218: Good News for Older Folks

Guess what? There are a good number of positives to growing older. Let’s put aside all the negative stereotypes of older folks and realize that they can demonstrate a surprising level of “coolness” about life. There’s a certain perspective you get when you’re older that’s enviable. Older folks have passed many of life’s challenges and […]

Ep 212: The Psychology of The Matrix Movie

  • January 10, 2014

  What are the psychological themes in the movie The Matrix? In this episode I talk about connections between The Matrix and Jung‘s idea of the Collective Unconscious, Joseph Campbell‘s notion of the Hero’s Journey and some recent research that explains why you experience déjà vu. Also, can you change your whole world by thinking […]

Ep 210: How to Memorize Kohlberg’s Stages of Moral Development

  • November 20, 2013

Need to memorize Kohlberg’s moral development stages really quickly? You’re in for a treat. In this episode, we’ll explore a swift and effective method to help you master these stages. No need to worry – we won’t drown you in details. Instead, we’ve got clever techniques and memorable associations that will make these stages stick […]

Ep 204: The Psychology of Fundraising

  • September 26, 2013
  • 1 Comment

How do you use psychology persuasion techniques to get people to contribute to your cause? That’s what I discuss in this episode of The Psych Files – the psychology of fundraising. I’m trying to help my friend raise money and in doing so I employed a number of persuasion strategies to get people to help […]

Ep 202: How To Memorize Freud’s Stages of Psychosexual Development

  • September 7, 2013

Freud’s stages of Psychosexual Development mnemonics Freud’s Intriguing Development Stages Struggling to remember Sigmund Freud’s intricate stages of psychosexual development for an upcoming test? Don’t fret. We’ve got a mnemonic strategy tailored just for you. This tool, not only simplifies the process but also ensures you retain the information for longer. Initially, you might find […]

Ep 195: How To Memorize Piaget’s Stages of Cognitive Development

  • April 26, 2013

Do you need to memorize Piaget’s stages for a test? You’ve found what you’re looking for. I’ll use some familiar mnemonics (“1 is a bun”, etc.) and some wacky images to get those stages – and what happens during them – into your mind. You’ll be able to remember when object permanence occurs, when children […]

Ep 193: Mindfulness Benefits on the GRE and at Work

  • April 10, 2013

There is a lot of talk about mindfulness among psychologists today. Find out what mindfulness is and how it differs from meditation in this episode of The Psych Files. What might you use mindfulness for? Well, in addition to what you might expect – reducing stress – mindfulness training is also being used to improve […]