
Ep 290: Class Demonstrations That Always Work

Students Working Together on an Activity

If you’ve ever wondered what goes on in a typical psychology class, well, here ar e 4 class activities I do almost every semester that are my “sure fire hits” – they engage the students in the learning process while helping them really grasp what a key term in psychology means. So you’ll learn about how students memorize each other’s names in a matter of minutes (mnemonics), as well as how they use a piano to shape a fellow student’s behavior (reinforcement and shaping), how they deal with solving unsolvable anagrams (learned helplessness), and how their memories of a car crash are easily manipulated by the way they are asked to recall the experience (unreliability of eyewitness testimony). Sure fire class demonstrations.

Resources for this Episode

  • Here’s a brief video that shows students how they can memorize words (and names) quickly:
    Ep 277: How to Remember Names
  • Here’s a video of two cars getting into an accident that you can use to show how easy it is to manipulate people’s eyewitness testimony:


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