Biopsychology Cognition, Intelligence and Language Disorders Learning/Memory Motivation Perception Social Psychology Teaching Tools Therapy

Episode 121: Top 10 Psychology Apps for the iPad, iPhone, & iPod

I show you 10 of what I consider to be the best psychology apps in the app store. There are a lot of psychology apps and many are not so good, but in this episode I pick out what I consider to be credible therapy apps, excellent mind mapping tools, relaxation apps, and some of the best 3 dimensional ways to look at the brain.

Here are three apps created, maintained and constantly updated by me:

  • Psych Mnemonics – the app I built specifically to help students memorize the parts of the brain, the developmental stage theories and all kinds of other key terms you’ll see on your psych tests.
  • PsycExplorer – the psychology news app which contains all the latest news, audio and video from experts in the field. PsycExplorer for iPhone.


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  1. Ep 200: Reflections on the 200th Show! | The Psych Files

    April 7, 2010

    […] Top 10 psych apps […]

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    Tony m

    April 7, 2010

    I use this one it's called inner contextual mindful emotions it shows my thoughts and how I construct them in a thinking lineage way and brings my self into context as a observer .
    Indicating in each answered reply which emotions
    It uses colours which I can choose to represent my emotions and highlights in grey my core value to the question ,
    And shows me with a map a walk through of my thinking on any question I enter
    This helps me defuse my stuck thinking .
    And great tool for bringing things into perspective great support tool with my acceptance and commitment therapy

  3. Weekly Wisdom Roundup #73 | The Weekly Roundup

    April 7, 2010

    […] Top 10 Psychology Apps for the iPad, iPhone, & iPod – via Psych Files – In this video episode I show you 10 of what I consider to be the best psychology apps in the app store. There are a lot of apps out there and many are not so good, but in this episode I pick out what I consider to be credible therapy apps, excellent mobile mind mapping tools, relaxation apps, games based on Gestalt principles of psychology, and some of the best 3 dimensional ways to look at the brain […]

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    Ben Buchanan

    April 7, 2010

    NovoPsych iPad app is for psychologists, psychiatrists and counselors working in mental health. Assess with psychometric tests and questionnaires.
    NovoPsych allows you to administer widely used clinical psychology tests, assessments and questionnaires, and scores are converted into percentile ranks
    Tests include:
    ASSQ Autism Spectrum Screening Questionnaire
    DASS-21 Depression Anxiety Stress Scales – Short Form
    DASS-42 Depression Anxiety Stress Scales – Long Form
    ECR-S Experience in Close Relationship Scale – Short Form
    EPDS Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale
    FS Flourishing Scale
    GAD-7 Generalised Anxiety Disorder Assessment
    IES-R The Impact of Event Scale – Revised
    K10 The Kessler Psychological Distress Scale
    PDSS Panic Disorder Severity Scale
    PHQ-9 Patient Health Questionnaire – Depression
    PSEQ Pain Self-Efficacy Questionnaire
    RSES Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale
    SADS Social Avoidance and Distress Scale
    SIAS Social Interaction Anxiety Scale
    SPANE Scale of Positive and Negative Experience
    SWLS Satisfaction with Life Scale
    TSK Tampa Scale of Kinesiophobia
    UPPS-P UPPS-P Impulsive Behavior Scale
    VOCI Vancouver Obsessional Compulsive Inventory
    ZUNG Zung Self-Rating Depression Scale
    Standard YouTube License

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    April 7, 2010

    Mark: the app look pretty useful. I’m putting together another episode on psychology apps and when I get a little closer to releasing it I’ll be in touch.

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    Mark McMinn

    April 7, 2010

    It’s good to see some blogging about apps for mental health professionals.

    Here’s some information about a new app, just released. Nicholas Wiarda and I just published the Psychotherapy Outcome Management System (TOMS) as an iPad/iPhone app on the Apple Store. I’m a clinical psychologist and software developer, and Nick is a doctoral student who has made some valuable connections with Dr. Scott Miller at the International Center for Clinical Excellence. The TOMS allows clinicians to administer the Outcome Rating Scale (ORS) and Session Rating Scale (SRS) to clients on a session-by-session basis and provides a nice record of treatment progress. See for more information.

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    April 7, 2010

    It does look a very nicely designed and executed app. Congratulations on it.

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    Ben Buchanan

    April 7, 2010

    NovoPsych is a great app, you can administer many psychometric tests on your iPad. Really worth checking out!

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    April 7, 2010

    Gottman has his ‘Love Maps’ available in a handy app on the iPhone/iPad for use in developing closeness in couples therapy. I also enjoy ‘oblique strategies’ to help me think creatively when I get stuck in trying to generate solutions and get caught in a rut. Thanks for an interesting look at some other apps.

  10. Avatar


    April 7, 2010

    This app is by far the best. Easy to use, yet very customizable.


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    Jerry Hoyle

    April 7, 2010

    I’m looking for a simple app. progress notes, clinical records, forms etc.

    Any suggestions? Thanks, JH

  12. Avatar

    Sylvain Roy

    April 7, 2010

    I have a site where I review technology for psychologists. I have an extensive list of IPhone Apps for psychologists and psychology students:

    Hoping it will help some of you.

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    April 7, 2010

    Amber: “The Questions” looks pretty interesting. I bought it and will try it out. Good reviews. Thanks for letting me know about it. I’ve almost got enough new apps for a follow-up episode to this one.

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    April 7, 2010

    Another Psychologically-based app to consider, just in time for Valentine’s Day: this one is about love and dating and partnership and is basically a relationship assessment tool developed by a PsyD from Portland, Oregon. A playful way to dig a little deeper, create more meaningful connection, or part ways if that’s the healthiest path.

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    April 7, 2010

    Thanks for the comment and the link. The app looks good. Your reviews are also quite good. Okay. Well, what I’m doing is putting together another list of 10 psych-related apps and I’m going to do another episode like this. I’ve got 6 so far, so as soon as I get some more I’ll include yours in that episode.

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    April 7, 2010

    What about our app designed to help new psychologists pass the EPPP?!? 🙂

    We offer a single app covering all topic areas included on the exam, as well as 6 smaller apps separated by content area. Take a look!

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    April 7, 2010

    I didn’t know that this was an issue (using an overhead projector with the iPad), but apparently you’re not the only one. From the blog Rangwetang: “I … had to jailbreak my iPad to be able to display the screen on an overhead projector – without jailbreaking it, only certain apps like the Keynote (Powerpoint) app and the video player app would allow you to display out to VGA. I also had to buy a $3 app called Display Out.”

    Did you buy the “Display Out” app?

    Here’s another idea from ZDNet, “I recently purchased Avatron Software’s interesting Air Display, a combination of an iPad app and Mac application that makes the iPad a peripheral of a Mac desktop or MacBook…”

    Hope one of these helps.

  18. Avatar


    April 7, 2010

    Michael, thanks for your wonderful work!
    I am not having any luck projecting any of my IPad screens to an overhead, despite using the correct cables. I heard only select apps are projectable, and even these are not working, i.e., Keynote. I too love 3d Brain and other neuro apps…just wish I could project them onto a screen for my students. Any ideas?

  19. Avatar


    April 7, 2010

    Walter: I’m hearing about more and more psychology-related apps. Here’s an article on the topic that just came out:

    Unfortunately I won’t be able to have a blackberry or Android version of my app ready anytime soon. The problem is that it costs so much money to develop an app even for just one operating system that most developers like myself just don’t have the funds to develop an app for all three cell phone operating systems. However, my newest app – which I now call the PsycExplorer – should have both an iphone/ipod and ipad version this year.

    As far as how I make these videos – the key piece of software is ScreenFlow ( although Camtasia for Mac is also quite good ( Both of these programs allow you to put a small video of yourself in a corner of the larger video. Very easy to use software (both Mac programs – for PC users Camtasia of PC sounds like the screencasting software of choice).

  20. Avatar

    Walter R. Roth

    April 7, 2010

    Great reviews Michael. I’m starting to research an idea I have for an app and your segment was very enlightening of whats out there. Any thoughts on how apps can successfully help people regulate their nervous systems is appreciated, or regulate different brain states is of great interest.

    Although I’m a big fan of my MacBookPro, I’m still a blackberry and android user, will your brain app be available on those devices anytime? I want to buy it as memorizing parts of the brain is a goal of mine this year. That said, an iPad is probably in the cards for xmas…

    Would love to know what your editing environment is (i.e., how you edit your video and layer it on top of screen captures).

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    allen dwight

    April 7, 2010

    nice way to have fun. doesn’t nature offer better ways. go outside and look around-enjoyed your mind games.

  22. Personality Pedagogy Newsletter Volume 4, Number 9, May, 2010 « Personality Pedagogy Blog

    April 7, 2010

    […] 8. Psychology Apps for the iPad/iPhone/iPod […]

  23. Avatar


    April 7, 2010

    Thanks John. Yea – this was a fun episode. I felt that it was time for a more relaxed episode after the Rosenhan one. Glad you liked it!

  24. Avatar


    April 7, 2010

    Thanks for a great demonstration of a lot of interesting apps!
    I like your style of presentation as well, it really helps that you have some charisma!

  25. Simoleon Sense » Blog Archive » Weekly Roundup #73 -The Smartest Linkfest On The Web!

    April 7, 2010

    […] Top 10 Psychology Apps for the iPad, iPhone, & iPod – via Psych Files – In this video episode I show you 10 of what I consider to be the best psychology apps in the app store. There are a lot of apps out there and many are not so good, but in this episode I pick out what I consider to be credible therapy apps, excellent mobile mind mapping tools, relaxation apps, games based on Gestalt principles of psychology, and some of the best 3 dimensional ways to look at the brain […]

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    April 7, 2010

    Pat: yes, teachers can connect a cable to the bottom of the device which is then connected to a projector. Sorry to have created some conflict in your about the iPad, but you gotta admit – it’s pretty darn cool device and people are building some really compelling apps for it. Glad you liked the episode!

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    April 7, 2010

    Just when I had convinced myself that I did not want an ipad! I do fine without the iphone but I like the size of this toy/tool. Your review of psychology apps was the selling point but….can the ipad content be projected for use in teaching?

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