Cognition, Intelligence and Language Gender/Sexuality Social Psychology Ep 153: The REAL Reason Why You Support (or Oppose)... What is the REAL reason why you either support or oppose gay marriage? We may give logical reasons for our... BY Michael June 28, 2011 0 Comment
Cognition, Intelligence and Language Ep 151: Popular Heuristics Explained We all take shortcuts when we are making decisions. And in those shortcuts often lie our mistakes. In this... BY Michael June 18, 2011 3 Comments
Cognition, Intelligence and Language Development Video: Object Permanence – Does Your Dog Have It? Piaget’s concept of object permanence is essential to understand. But how did they study this idea among 1 year olds?... BY Michael June 7, 2011 0 Comment
Cognition, Intelligence and Language Gender/Sexuality On Yawning, Swearing, Credit Cards and Sex: Psych Files Brief... In this first “Psych Files Brief†episode, we look at whether swearing actually reduces your sensation of pain (ever stub... BY Michael May 18, 2011 10 Comments
Biopsychology Cognition, Intelligence and Language Critical Thinking Research and Stats Episode 141: Psychology Gets Smart: A New Kind of Lie... You've probably heard that the so called "Lie Detector" test (the polygraph ) doesn't actually detect when you've lied, but... BY Michael February 27, 2011 3 Comments
Cognition, Intelligence and Language Social Psychology Episode 139: Blaming the Victim in Reverse – the Justice... I’ll bet you’ve heard of the expression, “Whatever doesn’t kill you…â€, or “Suffering is good for the soulâ€. Could these... BY Michael January 23, 2011 0 Comment
Biopsychology Cognition, Intelligence and Language Emotion Episode 138: Zombies – 6 Reasons Why We Are So... Have you watched the TV show Walking Dead or ever seen a movie about Zombies (perhaps Zombieland or Dawn of... BY Michael December 23, 2010 14 Comments
Cognition, Intelligence and Language Critical Thinking Episode 137: Objectivity and the Scientific Impotence Excuse Can science study love? Are we able to scientifically determine what romance is all about? There seem to be times,... BY Michael December 12, 2010 1 Comment
Cognition, Intelligence and Language History of Psychology Episode 134: Hypnosis – Myth and Reality What do you think of hypnosis? Might you be surprised to hear that hypnosis has been accepted by the American... BY Michael November 2, 2010 11 Comments
Cognition, Intelligence and Language Social Psychology Episode 130 (video): Why Are We So Fascinated by Famous... f you’ve ever met a famous person you know how exciting that feels. But why? What is it about fame... BY Michael August 22, 2010 5 Comments