Cognition, Intelligence and Language Ep 181: How Does Self Talk Improve Your Game? Let’s talk sports psychology. When you participate in a sport, do you talk to yourself? Do you try to “psych... BY Michael September 24, 2012 1 Comment
Cognition, Intelligence and Language Ep 178: What Does Embodied Cognition have to do with... There is a lot of talk these days about a fascinating idea called embodied cognition. What is it exactly? In... BY Michael July 3, 2012 4 Comments
Cognition, Intelligence and Language Critical Thinking Ep 174: The First Replication of Daryl Bem’s Research on... Have psychologists recently found evidence for the existence of psychic ability? Last year, well-known psychologist Daryl Bem published an article... BY Michael April 23, 2012 14 Comments
Cognition, Intelligence and Language Emotion Ep 164: What’s So Disgusting About Poop? Just about everyone finds poop disgusting right? So who finds it not so disgusting? Would you believe women in their... BY Michael November 4, 2011 0 Comment
Biopsychology Cognition, Intelligence and Language Ep 163: Psych Files Brief #4: Animals Smiling, Yogurt De-Stressing,... Do animals smile? Do they feel emotions and if so how many kinds of feelings do they share with us?... BY Michael October 21, 2011 2 Comments
Cognition, Intelligence and Language Emotion Ep 160: How to Spend Your Money and Truly Make... Why aren’t rich people happier than those with less money? We think money will bring happiness, but research in the... BY Michael September 18, 2011 2 Comments
Cognition, Intelligence and Language Social Psychology EP 159 Psych Files Brief #3: Evidence in Favor of... What’s Wrong With a Little Gossip? While some research points out that gossipers are in general disliked, there is an... BY Michael September 6, 2011 0 Comment
Cognition, Intelligence and Language Creativity and “There I Fixed It” site Functional Fixedness When people have trouble coming up with alternative uses for everyday objects – or trouble thinking of everyday... BY Michael September 1, 2011 3 Comments
Cognition, Intelligence and Language Learning/Memory Mnemonics Ep 158: Tired of Low Grades? Here’s How You Can... Don’t be frustrated with low grades. If you want to know how to study for exams and get good grades... BY Michael August 19, 2011 23 Comments
Cognition, Intelligence and Language Gender/Sexuality Ep 155: On Cuddling, Baths, Google, Body Language and Phantom... Is cuddling good – especially for men – in marriage? Do baths make you feel less lonely, is Google really... BY Michael July 19, 2011 2 Comments