Cognition, Intelligence and Language Emotion Ep 160: How to Spend Your Money and Truly Make... Why aren’t rich people happier than those with less money? We think money will bring happiness, but research in the... BY Michael September 18, 2011 2 Comments
Cognition, Intelligence and Language Social Psychology EP 159 Psych Files Brief #3: Evidence in Favor of... What’s Wrong With a Little Gossip? While some research points out that gossipers are in general disliked, there is an... BY Michael September 6, 2011 0 Comments
Cognition, Intelligence and Language Creativity and “There I Fixed It” site Functional Fixedness When people have trouble coming up with alternative uses for everyday objects – or trouble thinking of everyday... BY Michael September 1, 2011 3 Comments
Cognition, Intelligence and Language Learning/Memory Mnemonics Ep 158: Tired of Low Grades? Here’s How You Can... Don’t be frustrated with low grades. If you want to know how to study for exams and get good grades... BY Michael August 19, 2011 23 Comments
Emotion Ep 157: Do Pets and Religion Make You Happier? You hear a lot these days about how pets make us happy. This is called the “pet effect“. But is... BY Michael August 10, 2011 1 Comment
Psychology As A Career Ep 156: Grad School in Psychology: What’s It Like and... What do you have to do to get into grad school in Psychology? A lot of people apply. Who ARE... BY Michael July 29, 2011 6 Comments
Cognition, Intelligence and Language Gender/Sexuality Ep 155: On Cuddling, Baths, Google, Body Language and Phantom... Is cuddling good – especially for men – in marriage? Do baths make you feel less lonely, is Google really... BY Michael July 19, 2011 2 Comments
Social Psychology Ep 154: Why Do Some People Just LOOK Guilty? I give you 5 reasons why your brain is telling you that Casey Anthony is guilty. These are 5 reasons... BY Michael July 8, 2011 9 Comments
Cognition, Intelligence and Language Gender/Sexuality Social Psychology Ep 153: The REAL Reason Why You Support (or Oppose)... What is the REAL reason why you either support or oppose gay marriage? We may give logical reasons for our... BY Michael June 28, 2011 0 Comments
Learning/Memory Motivation Ep 152: How Do You Change Your Behavior? Interview with... How does Behavior Modification work? Find out in this episode as I interview Scott Milford, author of the Behavior and... BY Michael June 21, 2011 13 Comments