Cognition, Intelligence and Language

Ep 306: Why Do You Talk To Your Dog Like That? And Does It Understand You?

Talking To Your Dog - Why Do We Do It?


Alright, let’s all admit it – we talk to our pets in that funny pet voice. “Who’s a good dog?” Well, there’s been a lot of research on your use of this voice to talk to your dog as well how you talk to babies. What exactly are you doing with your voice? And most importantly, does your dog know what the heck you’re saying? Does it help to talk this way? Let’s find out.


Why We Talk to Our Dogs

    • What’s new, pussycat? On talking to babies and animals Burnham, Denis;Kitamura, Christine;Vollmer-Conna, Ute Science; May 24, 2002; 296, 5572
    • Ben-Aderet T, Gallego-Abenza M, Reby D, Mathevon N. 2017 Dog-directed speech: why do we use it and do dogs pay attention to it? Proc. R. Soc. B 284: 20162429.


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