
  • February 22, 2010
  • 1 Comment

Here are the episodes that pertain to topics that are typically covered in chapters called “Psychological Disorders” or “Abnormal Psychology”. Remember not to come down with “intern’s disease” – deciding after you study any of these disorders that you have it. Most of us suffer from a little bit of every disorder (sometimes called a […]

Forensic Psychiatry: What is it Really Like? Therapy

Ep 319: Forensic Psychology – An Interview with Dr. Susan Lewis

  • January 31, 2019
  • 1 Comment

It seems like there’s no end to TV shows about criminals who have various psychiatric disorders. It’s understandable that we find them fascinating, but how accurate are they? What is it really like to work with individuals who are convicted of serious crimes but who are unquestionably suffering from a mental illness? If you’re interested […]

PsycTestPrep: A New Way to Study

Listen to the PsycTestPrep audio clips below. Then please fill out this brief survey so we can really build out this idea! Loading… Sample Test Prep Playlists on Clammr: Topic: Research Methods Topic: Psychotherapy Topic: Social Psychology Topic: Disorders Topic: BioPsychology Sample Audio Quiz from Social Psychology More Info About This Exciting New Tool! Click […]

Ep 146: Borderline Personality: What is it? Could Your Cell Phone Help Deal With It?

Borderline Personality Disorder is a difficult disorder to understand and treat. Briefly, people who suffer from BPD tend to have a heightened sensitivity to rejection. When they feel that they are being rejected they can react with strong feelings of anger. Their emotions can be very intense and vary widely during the day. This can also make their relationships very unstable.

Episode 117: Obsessive Compulsive Disorder – An Interview with Bobbi

  • February 22, 2010

Listen to this interview with Bobbi, a young woman who deals with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder every day and you’ll get a much better understanding of what OCD is like. You have probably heard of the term OCD and perhaps you’ve seen shows like Monk or you’ve seen characters on TV and in the movies who show symptoms of obsessional thoughts or compulsive behaviors and perhaps you’ve wondered yourself about some of your own thoughts and behaviors. Learn more about OCD in this episode of The Psych Files.

Episode 107: Freud, Projective Tests and …. Poetry

  • October 18, 2009

How do the Rorschach, the Thematic Apperception Test (TAT) and the House, Tree, Person tests work? Do you reveal something about yourself when you tell stories about pictures or tell what you see in an inkblot or even when you do something as seemingly innocent as drawing a a picture of a house? Find out in this episode of The Psych Files.