The MAPPR – Audio Test Prep

Taking a psychology class? Confused about Research Methods? Need to know the difference between positive and negative reinforcement or positive and negative punishment? Try this new audio tool I built which I call the “MAPPR”. That stands for “Make A Personal Psych Review”. Here’s what it does: I’ve selected two topics from an Intro Psych course: the scientific method (might be referred to as Research Methods in your textbook) and Learning. I chose what I think are the bold terms that most students of psychology would have to learn from these chapters. I put these terms into concept maps and then recorded my own explanations for what the terms mean. Then (not done yet) I put the concept map and the audio files into a small online application which allows you to choose only those terms you find difficult or which you want to review. So: on the map you click the terms you want to review and then click the “Play” button and hear my explanation of those terms. I challenge you to take it one step further: grab the audio as it plays from your computer (using Wiretap or Snagit) and then transfer it to your mp3 player and study on the go!

Click below to go to the “MAPPR”. (Note: MAPPR was written in Flash, which may not be supported by your browser)

Psychology Test Preparation Tool


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    February 2, 2008

    Thanks for your interest in the MAPPR Michelle. I did take it down recently because I built MAPPR in a program called Flash and I heard that at the end of 2020 browsers will no longer support Flash. I did put it back up just now so the link should work. I’ll bet, however, that your students will get a warning about the page. It’s safe to ignore that warning now, but I can’t guarantee MAPPR will work once 2021 hits. – Michael

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    February 2, 2008

    Is this still available somewhere? I always shared with my students in General Psychology to help understand basic learning concepts. Thanks!

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